Member voices : AI Engineer (From India)

- Srikar
- India
- 3 years
- Surround view system development, 3d image generation, algorithm development
- Violin, travelling, developing mini games
- QWhat made you come to Japan?
- AMainly anime, especially One Piece contributed a big part in my interest in Japan. But I would say that there were many other reasons playing a role to come here, such as the high standards in technology.
- QYour impressions after actually coming to Japan and living here
- AApparently, I already knew that people work hard in Japan, but what was quite surprising was that people actually do follow all the rules all the time.
- QWhat had the biggest impact on you after starting to work in Japan?
- AThat it’s not as much result-oriented as India. I mean here the process matters too, and there is a high emphasis on each step to carry out properly, instead of being satisfied with the result itself.
- QHow is it to be part of the GIT team?
- AIt’s fun to meet people from all over the world. And also it is kind of relieving to have friends from your own country around you, when there are a lot of new things.
- QWhat would you say to those who want to work in Japan?
- AEven if the dream of coming to Japan seems far and hard to achieve as a fresh grad, don’t give up, there will be an opportunity coming along your way, be ready to take that on. Till then keep on learning Japanese!