Privacy Policy <!--new one -->

Privacy Policy

Human Resocia Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Human Resocia”) is a comprehensive human resources consulting company focused on temporary staffing, temporary referrals, and job referrals. We place the highest priority on the accurate and secure processing of the personal information of all customers using our services, and all of our directors and employees share this understanding.

We have established this privacy policy including the following items in order to properly protect and manage the personal information we receive from customers, and we pledge that we will implement and maintain it.

Privacy Policy

  1. 1.Human Resocia will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and guidelines established by the Japanese government and other applicable regulations concerning all personal information of customers, employees and other related parties. In addition, Human Resocia sets up a personal information protection management system that meets the “Personal Information Protection Management Systems Requirements” of the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS Q 15001) and protect personal information.
  2. 2. Upon appropriate collection and use of personal information, Human Resocia will clearly state the purpose of its use and collected personal information may only be used within the scope necessary to achieve agreed purpose of collection.Human Resocia takes measures to ensure the prevention of any use of the personal information other than for the agreed purposes of use.
  3. 3.Human Resocia will not provide collected personal information to outside third parties without receiving in advance the principal’s consent with the exception of requirements by laws or regulations.
  4. 4. Regarding complaints and inquiries concerning the handling of personal information, Human Resocia will swiftly investigate the relevant facts and promptly respond in good faith within a reasonable amount of time.
  5. 5.Human Resocia will take organizational, personnel, physical and technical security measures for the management of collected personal information and to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, loss or destruction of the personal information.
  6. 6.Human Resocia will periodically review its personal information protection management system and improve the protection of personal information to reflect the changes in social conditions and circumstances appropriately.

Established on August 1, 2004
Revised on August 1, 2019

Mitsugu Otaya
President & Representative Director
Human Resocia Co., Ltd.

For inquiries regarding the Privacy Policy
Customer help desk, Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
Phone: 0120-03-7837

Handling of Personal Information

Personal Information Protection Officer: Director, Business Strategy Office
Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
Phone: +81–3-6846–9040

1. Purpose of use of personal information

Human Resocia will use personal information in connection with the purposes described in the following and to the extent necessary to achieve those use and purposes.

1. Business operations

  • (1) Operations relating to labor staffing
  • (2) Operations relating to fee-based job referrals
  • (3) Operations relating to outsourcing and subcontracting
  • (4) Operations relating to staffing of domestic and overseas engineers
  • (5) Operations relating to business automation and support for labor-saving
  • (6) Operations relating to training, courses, and inspections
  • (7) Sales of Receipt inspection software

2. Purposes of use

  1. (1) Registration procedures, providing information on jobs, and job referrals in the field of labor staffing and fee-based job referrals
  2. (2) To provide appropriate consultation, information and contact regarding employment and career changes
  3. (3) To receive and confirm appointments to come to our office for registration
  4. (4) To provide information (via e-mail, telephone, etc. ), guidance and applications for seminars, courses, campaigns, questionnaires, benefit programs, etc. offered by Human Resocia.
  5. (5) To answer inquiries and contact potential customers about Human Resocia’s businesses, products and seminars, etc.
  6. (6) To recruit and select Human Resocia employees
  7. (7) Personnel matters and hiring of employees during work, labor management and contact in case of emergency
  8. (8) To fulfill the purpose of the following operations subcontracted to Human Resocia by other companies and to carry out these operations in an appropriate and smooth manner
    • Business processes — Data entry — Reception
    • Recruitment support for new graduates/young people — Education and training
    • Career education and employment support
    • Preparation, issuance and processing of documents related to various administrative tasks
    • Subcontracting of operations for government agencies
    • Other operations requested by contractors

2.Provision of personal information to outside third parties

Human Resocia will not provide personal information to outside third parties without receiving in advance the consent of the principal, with the exceptions of the following conditions:

  • When Human Resocia obtained the principal’s consent with clear prior explanation of required items or notification
  • When personal information is necessary to protect life, health or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the principal
  • When required to comply with a law or regulation
  • When such personal information is necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the principal
  • When the handling of personal information is entrusted either in whole or in part to an outside third party to the extent necessary to achieve purpose of use

  • 3. Entrustment of personal information

    Personal information may be entrusted to outside third parties meeting Human Resocia’s personal information protection standards. The reasons for such entrustment include but are not limited to labor management, delivery of postal items, and system maintenance or modification.

    4. Discretion in providing personal information and the consequences of not giving personal information

    Although providing personal information is voluntary, there may be cases where proper announcements and information, including employee hiring activities and hiring management, or any other necessary information for business processing, cannot be completed when no personal information or wrong personal information was provided.

    5.Complaints and inquiries concerning the handling of personal information

    For complaints and inquiries concerning Human Resocia’s handling of personal information, please contact the help desk below:

    Contact for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information
    Customer help desk, Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
    Phone: 0120-03-7837

    Procedures for personal information disclosure
    Personal Information Protection Officer: Director, Business Strategy Office
    Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
    Phone: +81–3-6846–9040

    1. Handling the personal information disclosure

    Human Resocia will, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, promptly respond to requests made by the principal or a legal representative authorized by the principal for notification of purposes of use, disclosure, correction, addition, removal, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Requests for disclosure, etc.”) regarding retained personal information.

    Please be aware that the requested information may not be disclosed in cases where Requests for disclosure, etc. fall under one of the following:

    • When Human Resocia does not have the right to respond to Requests for disclosure, etc. with regard to all of the requests including personal information acquired through consignment contracts.

    • If the presence or absence of the personal information is clarified,

    • ‑ The life, body, or property of the principal or a third party are likely to be harmed
    • ‑ Illegal or unjust acts are likely to be promoted or triggered
    • ‑ National security is likely to be undermined
    • ‑ Mutual trust with foreign countries or international organizations is likely to be damaged
    • ‑ Disadvantages in negotiating with other countries or international organizations is likely to be caused
    • ‑ Impediments to prevention, suppression or investigation of crimes and to other matters concerning maintenance of public safety and public order is likely to be caused

    • With regard to the requests for disclosure, suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to third parties, when the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the principal or a third party are likely to be harmed, when it may seriously interfere with the proper execution of Human Resocia’s businesses or when it violates other laws or regulations.

    2. Procedure of Requests for disclosure, etc.

    Human Resocia will identify the principal or legal representative authorized by the principal using its own specified method.

    [a] When the principal makes the request

    A document confirming the identity of the principal <*1><*2>

    [b] When a legal representative makes the request

    A document identifying that the individual is a legal representative authorized by the principal <*2>

    A document confirming the identity of the legal representative <*1><*2>

    [c] When a voluntary representative makes the request

    The Principal’s original seal certificate <*3>

    The notification of appointment as a representative

    A document confirming the identity of the voluntary representative <*1><*2>

    *1 Copy of driving license (if the registered domicile is shown, it should be redacted) / passport / health insurance card, original copy of certificate of residence, extract of family register (certified copy), etc.

    *2 All documents must be within their period of validity.

    Note that certificates of residence, extracts of family register (certified copy), etc. must be issued within the last three months.

    *3 The request forms and notification of appointment as a representative should be stamped with the same official seal as that shown on the original seal certificate.

    We will respond to Requests for disclosure, etc. information from the principal or his or her representative in the following manner.

    [a] Request forms

    • In the case of notification of purpose of use or disclosure of personal information ⇒ Request form for notification of purpose of use or disclosure
    • In the case of correction, addition or removal of personal information ⇒ Request form for correction, etc. of personal information
    • In the case of suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to third parties of personal information ⇒ Request form for suspension of use of personal information, etc.

    [b] Return envelope

    Please attach a standard size return envelope.

    Please write the name and address of the principal on the return envelope, and affix a stamp in the amount shown below.Please note that if no stamp is affixed or the amount is insufficient, we will not be able to respond to you.

    In the case of reply by simplified registered mail

    ⇒ Basic fee 82 yen + Simplified registered mail fee 310 yen = Total 392 yen

    In the case of reply by ordinary registered mail + certified mail

    ⇒ Basic fee 82 yen + Ordinary registered mail fee 430 yen + Certification fee 310 yen = Total 822 yen

    [c] Documents confirming the identity of the principal or his or her representative

    Please contact the customer help desk below.

    No fees are charged for Requests for disclosure, etc.

    We will send a notification in writing by mail to the name and address of the person making the request in Human Resocia prescribed form.
    Please note that it may take several days to send the notification.
    Also, please note that we will reject Requests for disclosure, etc. in the following cases:

    * Cases in which we will reject Requests for disclosure, etc.
    [a] If your “address, ““name, ““date of birth, “„telephone number“ or other required information is not included in the „Human Resocia prescribed form“ submitted to us.
    [b] If the “address, ““name, ““date of birth, “„telephone number“ or registration details of the personal information you wish to make Requests for disclosure, etc. for do not match the “address, ““name, “„date of birth“ or „telephone number“ entered in the request form.
    [c] If the Requests for disclosure, etc. is for personnel evaluation information, if the Human Resocia prescribed form is incomplete, or if we are unable to confirm your identity, we will inform you of this and ask you to resubmit your application. If we do not receive your application within two weeks, we will close the case of Requests for disclosure, etc. and destroy the documents we received from you in an appropriate manner.

    3.Contact information for Requests for disclosure, etc.
    If you have any questions or complaints about our handling of personal information, please contact us through the customer help desk below.

    Contact for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information
    Customer help desk, Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
    Phone: 0120-03-7837

    Announcement Regarding Joint Use
    Personal Information Protection Officer: Director, Business Strategy Office
    Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
    Phone: +81–3-6846–9040

    Human Resocia makes the following arrangements with joint users regarding the following matters concerning joint use.

    Items of personal information to be shared and used

    Name, e-mail address, place of work, date of registration, date of starting work, payment amount

    Method of obtaining personal information for joint use

    1. Obtained directly from the principal by a company ⇒ Obtained through registration using the website or application form

    2. Not obtained directly from the principal by a company ⇒ Data transferred between joint users

    Purpose of use

    Human Resocia will use your personal information to provide you with information about various courses and seminars that it offers with Human Academy Co., Ltd., and for its internal administration.

    Name or title of the person responsible for managing personal information used jointly
    Personal Information Protection Officer: Director, Business Strategy Office
    Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
    Requirements for joint users
    Operating company with Human Holdings Co., Ltd. as the holding company
    Matters concerning the handling of personal information to be shared

    1. Implementation of security measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure of personal information, etc.

    2. Prohibition of handling, use, copying, reproduction, etc. of personal information for purposes other than those specified.

    3. Agreement on the return, deletion and disposal of personal information to the entity that obtained it after the end of joint use.

    The above matters have been agreed upon.

    Measures to be taken in the event of non-compliance with the agreement on the handling of personal information for joint use
    This will be handled in accordance with the PMS of each company and group company.

    Matters related to reporting and communication in the event of an incident or accident related to joint use of personal information
    This will be handled in accordance with the PMS of each company and group company.
    Contact for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information
    Customer help desk, Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
    Phone: 0120-03-7837

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