Tax support


Tax support

Japanese taxation system

Taxation of foreigners
All residents including foreigners must pay taxes in Japan. These are some of the most common taxes, but you may have to also pay other taxes depending on your situation.

Tax Name in Japanese & transcription Subject of taxation
Income Tax 所得税, shotokuzei Residents with income earned in Japan
Resident Tax 住民税, juuminzei Those residing in Japan as of 1 January of every year
*Prefectural Tax *県民税, *kenminzei
**Municipal Tax **市町村民税, **shichouson minzei
Consumption Tax 消費税, shouhizei Entities which become taxable business enterprises as a result of transactions in Japan
Stamp Tax 印紙税, inshizei Those who conclude contracts or monetary agreements in Japan
Motor Vehicle Tax 自動車税, jidoushazei Those who own a car in Japan

Residents must submit an income tax return for the income earned each year. Residents must pay the tax owed between February 16 and March 15 of the following year.

Our company provides tax-pay-support for the employees. We submit the necessary documents and pay the employee’s taxes (deducted from salary).

  • Income tax
  • Resident’s tax (Second year onwards)