BIM CAD 2D/3D modeling civil engineers

Open positions:
BIM, 2D/3D CAD designer, plant designer, product designer using 3D technology/control technology, CAD software developer, etc.

Pay attention, most positions require a level of Japanese N3 or higher.
Learn innovative architecture from the industry leaders.

Join our team and


BIM development example photo
Join a project at a major Japanese company. Take an active part in the most advanced BIM and CAD developments.
Career in engineering photo
As a permanent full-time employee, you can be sure of your employment security while meeting your long-term career goals.
Employee support photo
Besides full administrative support, we sponsor your visa and arrange an accommodation for you.
An Image for visa sponsorship
We apply for the work visa and residency status on your behalf.
An Image for Japanese language course
Training / Education
We provide on-the-job training by mini-app development projects related to future project assignments. Japanese language training is provided based on the individual Japanese knowledge level.
An Image for employee benefits
Living support
Moving expenses up to 100,000 yen are reimbursed, as a relocation allowance from the country of residence to Japan. A further 25,000 yen/month housing allowance is provided.
A  Photo for work environment in Japan

Work in a technologically
advanced environment


Engineer data

A Engineers in Japan data chart

Country of origin

A Engineers working at Human Resocia map

Flow until join company

A Submit application icon
A Job requirements icon
A Job offer icon
An Employment contract icon
A Work with Human Resocia icon
What are the jobs and positions assigned after joining the company?
It depends on the project. After hiring, the assignment will vary according to the customer’s project, so it depends on the project.
If I go to Japan, where is the first place I will live?
In principle, you will live in a shared house in Kichijoji, Tokyo (Mitaka City, Tokyo). Afterwards, it’s possible to move as you desire.
Is there technical training?
We support the purchase of technical books necessary for technical improvement (1 books per person).
How long is one project?
It depends on the project, but it is usually more than 6 months per project.
Is knowledge of Japanese a necessary condition?
Most positions require a level of Japanese N3 or higher.
Can I receive Japanese language training?
This will be conducted after arrival in Japan based on your current Japanese skills. Since we only provide support, please keep studying by yourself so that you won’t have troubles with living after you come to Japan.
Once I have been hired, when can I come to Japan?
It depends on the country you currently reside in and the project, but it usually takes 2-3 months after the hiring decision is made.
A Tokyo architecture photo


Feb 1988
100 mln ¥
(as of end March 2019)
Mitsugu Otaya
47,226,440,000 ¥
(fiscal year ending March 2019)
Business content
  • Temporary staffing
  • Recruitment
  • Outsourcing/contracting
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bank, Resona Bank
License number
Worker dispatch business (License number / general 13-080176)

Paid employment placement business (License number / 13-Yu-080167)

Join our team


  • You hold a bachelor or higher degree in information technology, computer science, electronics or engineering
  • You have at least 2 years of experience in a related field
  • Your Japanese knowledge is at least JLPT N4 level (certificate is not required)


You want to take part in challenging projects by:

  • designing state-of-the-art automobiles and robots for leading manufacturers
  • designing floor plan, elevation, realistic rendering by plane and solid modeling; design, analysis, 3D CAD design, blueprint creation
  • designing products, pieces of equipment, taking part of experimental evaluation, evaluating demo machine for system development, prototype creation, evaluation and verification


Application form

* Please note, most positions require a level of Japanese N3 or higher.

(Max file size: 5 Mb; allowed file formats: .pdf, .txt)
You have to include the below in your CV.

1. Educational background
2. Working experience
3. Skills
(Max file size: 5 Mb; allowed file formats: .pdf, .txt)

Handling of Personal Information

Please enter your information after reviewing and consenting to the following terms of service regarding the handling of personal information.

  • Purpose of use
    The personal data Human Resocia Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) receives will be used for the following purposes.
    1. (1) To select prospective candidates in recruitment and hiring
    2. (2) To announce or hold a seminar or event by the Company
    3. (3) To perform the procedures for entering the Company
    However, in any of the following cases, we will not disclose the intended purpose of use.
    • When there is a risk that disclosing or announcing the intended purpose to the information owner could harm the life, body, property or other rights of the information owner or a third party
    • When there is a risk that disclosing or announcing the intended purpose to the information owner could harm the Company’s rights or legitimate interests
    • When there is a need to cooperate with a central government organization or local government conducting affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and there is a risk that disclosing or announcing the intended purpose to the information owner would interfere with the execution of said affairs
  • Provision of personal information
    In principle, we will not provide the personal information we receive to third parties, except solely in cases when it is necessary, the information owner has been notified of the third party and the information to be disclosed, and we have received the information owner’s permission. However, in the following cases, we may provide personal information without the information owner’s consent.
    • When obtaining the information owner’s consent is difficult and, under procedures prescribed by regulations and laws, the information owner is notified in advance of the designated matters (matters provided and means of provision, etc. ) or content equivalent to or greater than said matters, or equivalent measures are put in place
    • When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to fulfill a specific purpose of use
    • When personal information is transferred to a successor following the succession of a business due to a merger or other reasons, and the personal information is used within the limits of the purposes designated prior to succession
    • When required by law
    • When necessary to protect life, body, or property, and gaining the information owner’s consent is difficult
    • When especially necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and gaining the information owner’s consent is difficult
    • When necessary to cooperate with national or local governments or public organizations or parties entrusted by said governments or organizations in performing their legal duties, and there is a risk that obtaining the information owner’s consent may obstruct in the execution of said duties
  • Outsourcing the processing of personal information
    For the purpose of operations that include conducting labor-management, mailing out materials, and repairing or modifying systems, the Company may outsource the processing of personal information to subcontractors who satisfy the personal information protection guidelines set forth by the Company.
  • Requesting information disclosure, etc.
    We accept requests to disclose, revise, add to, delete, suspend the usage of, notify of the intended purposes of, and suspend the provision to third parties of personal information provided to us. Please contact us using the contact information below.
  • About the return and disposal of personal information
    In principle, the Company assumes no obligation to return the obtained personal information regardless of the medium.
    However, this does not apply in cases when provisions of laws or regulations, etc. apply. The media obtained by the Company will be appropriately disposed of in accordance with the Company’s prescribed rules.
  • Voluntariness of providing personal information and the effects of not providing this information
    Although the provision of personal information is voluntary, failure to provide accurate and error-free information may impede the proper implementation of acceptance and registration of the job application, employment screening, and communications related to employment etc.
  • Acquisition of personal information through means that prevent the easy identification of individuals
    The Company’s website uses cookies. Cookies are used strictly to check necessary system information to ensure that users’ browsers are capable of viewing website pages and to verify that browsing is being done by the same person for the duration of a session. Cookies do not contain information that could identify individuals.
  • Questions and complaints about handling of personal information
    Please contact us using the contact information below for any questions, comments, or complaints you may have concerning handling of personal information.

The Japanese version of the terms shall be considered as the official version, and versions in other languages shall be used as reference. In the event of any inconsistency arising from translation, the Japanese version of the terms shall take precedence.

Inquiries regarding personal information
Nishi-Shinjuku Prime Square 1F, 7–5-25 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 160–0023
Customer Consultation Desk, Human Resocia Co., Ltd.
Tel.: 0120-03-7837 (Domestic call), +81–3-6846–9055 (International call) E-mail:
